What CAISO wants this election season

Thousands of GLBT voters will be participating in the May 24th general election. Like many other Trinbagonians, we want a responsible government that is going to protect and take care of all its people, and not leave some behind, regardless of which party or coalition wins at the polls. We want a government that is going to provide for different groups (young, middle-aged, and elderly, women, transgender people, and men, gay, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual) according to their needs. We want a country where no one is a second-class citizen.

CAISO is committed to building a nation that is inclusive, forward-thinking and just. We were formed in response to an act of Government exclusion. We are participating in the current election campaign to ensure that GLBT citizens have a voice in national affairs:

  • by educating our communities on the issues, and mobilising them to deepen their political participation; and
  • by engaging and assisting political leaders to understand and respond to GLBT issues.

A member of Patrick Manning's detail promises CAISO a meeting with the Political Leader

CAISO is non-partisan, meaning that we do not endorse one party over another. Our constituents belong to and are active in several political parties. But we will let our constituents know where parties stand on issues important to them, and where there are relevant differences between parties and candidates.

CAISO’s stake in participating in the election is to promote the election of representatives who will fight to ensure that:

  • every person in Trinidad & Tobago is protected from discrimination and violence and has equal access to protection by the police, the courts and the Equal Opportunity Commission
  • no minority group in Trinidad & Tobago is unjustly persecuted or deprived of opportunity
  • PNM Chairman Conrad Enill & General Secretary Martin Joseph with copies of CAISO's election literature

    all children in our nation’s schools are safe from violence and bullying, are treated with fairness and attention regardless to who their parents may be, and are nurtured to express and grow into their individual selves

  • everyone, regardless to where they live, who they are, or how they look, is able to access quality healthcare, which is delivered by personnel at all levels who treat their patients with dignity and respect
  • people, especially young people, who are pushed into homelessness by circumstances in their lives, families or the economy, or by their inability to find employment, can participate in programmes that meet them where they are and provide a bridge to self-sufficiency
  • young people in every community can grow up into healthy sexual lives as adults, free from physical or emotional coercion, abuse or violence
  • CAISO in the Balisier...next stop UNC/COP/TOP (Photos courtesy Bohemia)

    young people in our nation can enjoy a full range of opportunities and dreams without fear that certain choices or achievement are not appropriate to their gender

  • we remain a multireligious society where people have a right to practise the faith of their choosing, or no faith at all, and where the government does not support or promote one faith over others
  • sex in private between consenting adults is not treated as illegal
  • everyone is able to belong to organisations and engage in private social activities of their choosing, without harassment or fear
  • victims of crime, regardless to the nature of the crime, are treated with professionalism and sensitivity by the police and the criminal justice system in general

You can join CAISO this election, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity:

Elections & Boundaries Commission
Scott House
134-138 Frederick Street
(868) 625-8994, (868) 623-4622
FAX: (868) 627-7881
Hotline -627-0745/1516

Registration Area Offices
Arima and Piarco Offices
Cor. Pro Queen Street and Robinson Circular
(868) 667-3544
Chaguanas Office
Corner Main and Endeavour Roads
(868) 665-5281
Couva Office
TECU Building, Ground Floor
80-82 Southern Main Road
(868) 636-2441
Diego Martin Office
Scott House
134-138 Frederick Street
(868) 623-7027
Mayaro/ Rio Claro Office
2484 Naparima/Mayaro Road
Rio Claro
(868) 644-2266
Point Fortin Office
28 Canaan Road
Point Fortin
(868) 648-2404
Port-of-Spain /Laventille Office
Scott House
134-138 Frederick Street
(868) 623-5149
Princes Town Office
Tajmool Hosein Building
High Street, Princes Town
(868) 655-2381
San Fernando & Penal/Debe Office
194 Circular road
San Fernando
(868) 652-4732
San Juan Office
125 Eastern Main Road
(868) 638-3675
Sangre Grande Office
355 Brierley Street
Sangre Grande
(868) 668-3427
Siparia Office
4 Mary Street
(868) 649-2423
Tabaquite/Talparo Office
Corner Main and Endeavour Roads
(868) 671-2518
Tobago Office
Caroline Building #2
11 Hamilton Street
(868) 639-2929
Tunapuna Office
Tunapuna Administrative Complex
Corner Eastern Main Road and Centenary Street
(868) 662-7137

Registration Area Sub Offices

Diego Martin
Works Compound
Diego Martin Main Road
Four Roads
(Opposite Victoria Gardens)
(868) 633-3380
Penal /Debe
1326 S.S. Erin Road
(868) 647-1972
Mayaro/Rio Claro
Administration Building
(868) 630-4612
Sangre Grande
Sangre Grande Regional Corporation Building
Toco Main Road
(868) 670-1480
52 A Bonne Aventure Road
(868) 650-4331
Post Office Building
Windward Road
(868) 660-4359

Published by

CAISO: Sex and Gender Justice

CAISO is a feminist Civil Society Organisation committed to ensuring wholeness, justice and inclusion for Trinidad and Tobago’s LGBTQI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex) communities, by developing analysis, alliances and advocacy. CAISO uses voice, space, work, play and community to improve governance and build a nation all citizens can share. One focus of this mission has been leadership at building intersectional human rights collaborations and at strengthening human rights mechanisms and their use. Over a decade CAISO has offered the public a consistent voice and face for LGBTQI issues shifting the needle measurably in how the nation imagines, understands and talks about sex/gender diversity. We have successfully built alliances—among LGBTQI groups; with other T&T NGOs and movements; and internationally. CAISO’s collaborations have developed interventions and capacity to deliver justice and build resilience.

2 thoughts on “What CAISO wants this election season”

  1. Well, there was this little group to the south of us that kept showing us how doable things were, and doing these really imaginative things we hadn’t thought about yet…you know: international film festivals without a budget that government ministers drop by; getting trans people to file constitutional lawsuits…

  2. I am amazed at the incredible work CAISO is doing in T&T!! Keep it up folks…

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